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 Luxury55+ Living

Senior Couple Doing Yoga

When you're ready to downsize, you shouldn't have to compromise.  You can still have a beautiful place to call home with all of the conveniences but none of the worries that come along with owning a home.  Less to worry about means more time to focus on worthwhile ventures. Within the Edgewood neighborhood you can live carefree because it's our commitment to take care of everything for you.  


There are some instances however, when a home provides flexibility that an apartment cannot.  We have considered that when we created the Edgewood Community Building.  This is a 1000 plus sq. ft. ADA accessible area with a full kitchen, lounge, and services to accommodate larger family gatherings.  It's scheduled use is free for tenants however all use must be approved by management. 

The Upside

To Downsizing

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